Puppet consoles: puppet dashboard and the foreman free download
Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool: puppet module install puppetlabs-dashboard --version Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the . Puppet is an open source configure management tool developed by Puppet Labs, founded by Luke Kanies in It is written in Ruby and released as free software under the GNU General Public License (GPL) until version and the Apache License after that. As Puppet has matured, a small ecosystem of tools has emerged, including two console products: Puppet Dashboard and The Foreman. Both console products are relatively new. The company that supports Puppet development, Puppet Labs, created Puppet Dashboard. Israeli developer Ohad Levy in turn wrote The Foreman.
So Foreman is it's own beast, but works broadly in the same way. Puppet Enterprise: Commercial - Free for up to 10 nodes. Obviously, full disclosure I work at Puppet, so I'm going to have a little bias here. But honestly, Puppet Enterprise is really good. Even from when I began at Puppet 2 years ago, Puppet Enterprise has come leaps and bounds. Open source Puppet is the engine that drives your compliance, baseline, drift remediation, and deployment needs. It has always been and always will be open source, with freely downloadable operating system-specific agent packages, a massively scalable server, and data warehousing capabilities via PuppetDB. Download open source Puppet. With regard to Foreman: Foreman 4 support is not that far of I believe. Nightlies can currently be built with Puppet 4 packages, the main thing left is the smart-proxy upgrades to work with the new Puppet 4 internals, but the PR for that is happening right now and seems like it might be merged soon!
Foreman Dashboard. When you first log in, you will see the Foreman dashboard, which shows an overview of your Puppet environment. Here you will see a summary of “Host Configuration Status”, which shows the number of Puppet agent nodes and their respective statuses. In contrast, Puppet Razor will automatically take a machine from bare-metal to the state of being managed by Puppet Enterprise. Puppet nodes can be managed visually with Foreman's competent web GUI, whereas Puppet's visual management console is only available in the Enterprise version of the product (read: pay to play). Abstract. Until recently, you needed to manage Puppet via its manifest files and from the command line. As Puppet has matured, a small ecosystem of tools has emerged, including two console products: Puppet Dashboard and The Foreman.