Chrome keeps downloading pdf files
· You can normally open PDFs automatically in Chrome by clicking on the file you want to your PDFs are downloading instead of opening automatically in C. · Found a solution today. For me, disabling the setting "Open certain file types automatically after downloading", solved the issue. There seems to be some bug in this particular feature, it should not affect the downloading location of PDF files. Hoping this bug gets addressed in future Chrome versions. Google user. · Right click any PDF on the desktop Open with Choose another app Select Acrobat check "Always use this app to files" I can now open PDFs on Windows 10 desktop with Acrobat by double-clicking even though Chrome has still hijacked the file icon on the desktop. Other suggestions being offered in the community did not work for me.
Why are my PDFs opening in Chrome and not Adobe? Ensure that Adobe Reader is installed on the computer. In Chrome, go to the "Menu" icon, then choose "Settings". Scroll to the bottom and select "Advanced". . Switch the "Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome" to "On". Chrome is very popular among its users because of the many features it provides. One of its most prized features is the inbuilt PDF viewer that lets you view the files before downloading and removes the need for the installation of any third-party PDF viewer.. However, since Chrome moved away from Adobe's NPAPI plugin to its own PDF viewer, there are some issues that pop up when trying to. Google Chrome uses some built-in protective measures to scan the file before downloading, and this can help protect your computer from malicious files that contains virus or malware. However, if you are sure the downloading file is safe, but Chrome keeps blocking the download, you can learn below how to stop Chrome from blocking downloads in
On Windows Click on MS icon on left corner of the task bar (4 rectangles or windows sign)2. Right click Control panel Control Panel\Programs\Default Programs\Set Associations3. Sort by Description (Other available options are Name, Current Default)4. You will notice that the (Adobe Acrobat Document) PDF files have been associated with Chrome html or other similar file types like firefox etc5. In the Privacy and security section, click Site Settings. Scroll down and click the PDF documents option. Change the "Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Chrome" option from the off position (grey) to the on position (blue). Close the Settings tab and restart your computer. Found a solution today. For me, disabling the setting "Open certain file types automatically after downloading", solved the issue. There seems to be some bug in this particular feature, it should not affect the downloading location of PDF files. Hoping this bug gets addressed in future Chrome versions. Google user.